EYE Public were a group of six young men and women, an artist, and youth worker, who worked together over a two-year period (2012-2014) exploring space; where they lived, regeneration and change, using creative practices like street art, model making, dialogue and mural pieces. The collective was interested in exploring their own passions and interests related to culture, where they live and their relationship to that.
Their first public art piece was launched in Dolphin House in July 2012. It was a series of wooden eyes which depicted old stories from the flats as well as young people’s reflections on regeneration.
Following on from this in December 2012, the group facilitated an open session for children and young people to explore their feelings and experiences of their community and ideas they had for the outdoor space. The findings of this were fed back to members of the Dolphin Alliance to feed into the overall regeneration process. Also using the ideas that had come from the day, the group built a model of Dolphin House which included the ideas for the outdoor space from children and young people.
In September 2013, EYE Public were awarded residency of Studio 468 where they held an exhibition of their works to date, which were displayed as part of Culture Night 2013.
Throughout the period the group were together, they worked out of the 5th block studio, with ambition to develop the studio into a functional studio space based within the community for children and young people to work creatively from.
EYE Public as a group no longer work together, however work to develop this studio space is ongoing today.