The Rialto Youth Project is a constituent project of the Rialto Development Association (RDA). The RDA was established in 1976 to promote the social and economic development of the Rialto area. The RDA is incorporated as a company limited by guarantee with charitable status. It has a Board comprising ten directors, two of whom are members of the Management Sub-Committee of the Rialto Youth Project. The Management Sub-Committee reports directly to the Board of the RDA, but is delegated authority to oversee the management and development of the Rialto Youth Project.
The Management Sub-committee comprises the following membership:
- John Bissett, Chairperson, Management Committee
- Tony MacCárthaigh, Treasurer, RDA Board of Directors
- Jonathan Myers, Minutes Secretary
- Lisa Gleeson, Committee Member
- John Whyte, Company Secretary, Rialto Development Association
The Management Sub-Committee meets on a monthly basis. Meetings are attended by the Youth Services Manager and the Administrator, who provide updates and reports on service development and finance.
The Rialto Youth Project is comprised of three main teams which are integrated as part of one overall organisational structure. This includes a core team of face-to-face workers who work with young people aged 10 to 19 years, and two Homework Clubs in the regenerated Fatima and Dolphin House, which provide educational support and extra-curricular activities for children aged five years upwards. In addition, linkages have been developed and maintained between the Youth Project and local schools. A Youth Services Support Worker assists the development of mainstream youth service provision, recruiting volunteers, supporting mainstream youth programmes and helping other youth services to develop their capacity.
Information Management System (IMS)
The Rialto Youth Project’s Information Management System (IMS) assists in the planning and review of all programmes. There are 5 elements to our Information Management System. Profile Page, Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) for every young person from 10 years of age upwards, Logic Model Planning Tool, Interventions, Session Sheets, and Summaries. These tools enable us to plan and develop our interventions. The IMS also allows us to extract quantitative and qualitative data, enabling us to plan and support our work from a strong evidence base. We score young people on their ILP’s, on Basic Skills, Core Skills and Issues. We also score young people on participation and progression within interventions carried out.