Over the recent Mid-Term Break, both Dolphin and Fatima homework clubs were busy with their mid-term programmes.
In Fatima, the Junior and Senior Infants designed and built a fairy fort for one of the rooms and baked cakes in the kitchen as well as playing a range of games and activities in the hall in the F2. Meanwhile, First to Sixth Classes were kept busy with science experiments, exploring new materials while managing explosions and reactions.
Later in the week, the younger groups went on a trip to Energy play centre in Rathcoole and the older groups had a day out in Leisureplex in Tallaght, where they had a ball playing team games and bowling.
In Dolphin, the younger group went to the pictures in Tallaght to see Sing. It was the first time the homework club had taken such a young group to the cinema and it was a huge success. The older group went into town on Dublin Bus to a Chinese restaurant for dinner. The trip went really well and it rounded off the Mid-Term in great spirits for all.